One of the coolest presents that I got though was from Steve. You might have heard of his comics, Dueling Analogs. Well he got me a copy of Joe Dunn's Joe Loves Crappy Movies collection. Joe even did a sketch of me being chased by Leatherface on the inside. It's probably one of the coolest presents I ever got. Can't wait for it to get here. And if you ever get a chance to meet Joe in real life, he is one of the coolest guys. We had a blast at the Small Press Expo last year. Anyway I also want to thank my mom and dad (though he was sick and couldn't make it) and everyone else who came to celebrate my birthday. And thanks to you guys for sticking with us through thick and thin. Huh... that sounds like a name for a comedy duo for me and Rich. Too bad there's no way he could be the 'straight man...'