Contact The Creators

Feel free to contact the creators of Mall Monkeys, as long as you abide by a few rules.

  1. If you have a question, make sure it hasn't already been answered in the MM Frequently Asked Questions.
  2. If you're going to E-mail us about something, make sure it'ssomething we care about. Here are some examples:

Things We Care About:

  • Hello, Keith! I am a hot girl and I've attached naked pictures of myself for your enjoyment. I like your comic, and I think you are sexy. Keep up the good work.
  • Whats up, Eric! I think your comic is really great and...I was wondering if you could teach me to be as awesome as you? Thanks.
  • Dear Rob, I can see the future and you're going to be run over by a bus tomorrow. Stay off the streets.

Things We DON'T Care About:

  • Keith, why is your nose so big? Are you Jewish? I hate your comic and I think Elftor could take you any day.
  • To whom it may concern (AKA ERIC), that comic you wrote about Hitler really offended me. I think it was unnecessary, but moreover, I love to complain.
  • Dear Rob, I can see the future and you're going to be run over by a bus tomorrow. Stay off the streets.