The Creators of Mall MonkeysLast Words

"Seems like yesterday...well. No, it doesn't. It seems like two years ago we started Mall Monkeys. Never thought it would get so popular, and I wish I could let it get more popular, but college is merciless. I am learning a crapload of stuff though, and looking back through the archives I threw up a little. I had a complete lack of anatomy, line quality, composition, color theories...but I don't want to sound like an art fag. My next project will kick all supreme ass, be it another online comic, or finally some form of animation. If you fans can spare the patience, I'll be pumping out some more entertainment by the time I'm out of college. I hope I see you then...but for now, thanks for buying this CD, thanks for all the good times, and no...I still won't put you in the freaking comic."

"Mall Monkeys was a joint collaboration between myself, Eric, and Rob. Eric committed his art skills and we all committed our unique and individual senses of humor to make something to entertain others for free. We had our fans, but we also had a whole lot of people who hated us. Mall Monkeys spanned over a year, including 287 comics and a video game. When we started, I was an angry kid in college for programming. Now it's finished, and I'm a laid back guy heading to the police academy. We all changed so much in this period of time with this comic being a large part of our lives. I've had so many adventures because of this comic that I will never forget, and I am grateful for that. It's still hard adapting to the fact that I am no longer a infamous internet personality. We all owe it to the fans who appreciated what we did, laughed at our jokes, and became our friends. Thanks for the ride, guys."

"What can I say about Mall Monkeys? It was a project that I was very excited to work on with Eric and Keith, who are both jedis in the force of humor. Getting it to the public spectacle that it became took equal amounts of all our blood and sweat. This might explain the odd smell. We had t-shirts, fan clubs, naked pictures of fans, lunchboxes, miniseries, and multimillion dollar deals with both Bill Gates and Jesus Christ Himself. If I could say one thing about the experience I had with Mall Monkeys, it'd be something along the lines of how wicked awesome it was while it lasted. If I could say more than one thing, I'd eventually include that it's become a memorable turning point in my pathetic suburbanite life. Thank you Eric, thank you Keith, thank all who have put up with us. With the death of Mall Monkeys, may the birth of many bright futures begin."

"I remember going through Top Web Comics and finding Mall Monkeys at #17, even way back in late 2002. I was working with another comic project then, and we wanted to link to Eric (and have him link back). I started getting more involved with MM though and eventually helped program the site and initiate the phpBB forums we all came to know and love. I met some of the most important people of my life because of that forum, and it was a pleasure to control. Er, I mean administrate. Yeah."