Supporting Charactersin alphabetical order

Description: This is why there are not Hot Topics to be found in Springfield.

Cartman's Mom
Description: Cartman's Mom got Missy pregnant, but then she killed herself, yadda yadda yadda. BORING!!

The Chicks from Daria

Cuba Gooding Jr.
Description: Everyone's favorite FICTIONAL character.

The Dolphin
Description: This criminal dolphin has been recently caught murdering little boys in the mall. More on this story when somebody cares.

Description: You know, the crazy guy from Lord of the Rings. Well, he's even crazier in Mall Monkeys.

Adolf Hitler
Description: Everyone's favorite fascist nazi character.

Janey X-Box Controller For a Head
Description: She's...definately got an X-Box controller for a head.

Jay and Silent Bob
Description: With all the association with MallRats, we had to. Sorry.

Description: My ex girlfriend made a small cameo as a SWAT badass and later in the girlfriends comic.

Johnny Knoxville
Description: Mall Monkeys has resorted to cheap stunts, I'm afraid.

Miss Blob
Description: She's got feelings, and a thirst for blood.

Ozzy "Fakeem" Ozbourne

Description: Plays father figure to Pink.

Purple Bunnies
Description: Tom sees these sometimes. Well, all the time.

Description: Satan's just chillin'. He knows wassap.

Snoop Dog
Description: Snoop Dog got his playground in CHECK. Don't mess with a dawg that wants his hoes.

Snoop's Bitch
Description: Sweetest piece of ass this side of the playground.

Sonic the Bluntroller
Description: SUPER BLUNT ROLL!! ...cheese dick.

Steve Irwin
Description: Ever since he walked in on his wife and an alligator having an affair, he hasn't been the same.

Description: Grab some orange soda, and let us discuss this at my place over a game of NFL Blitz.

Description: As a webcomic, we are obligated to do a Penny Arcade cameo.

The Vampire
Description: Vampires need to shop, too.